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angular distanceの例文


  • The map showed positions of the proportional to the north polar angular distance.
  • The central angle is also known as the arc's angular distance.
  • As the angular distance from the guide star increases, the image quality degrades.
  • That is : linear distance = radius ?angular distance.
  • Despite its relatively large angular distance, direct imaging is problematic due to the star planet contrast.
  • All other 1st magnitude stars are closer than that angular distance to another 1st magnitude star.
  • All the planets in the Solar System except greatest angular distance from the Sun is only about 28?
  • This is then subtracted from 90?to obtain the angular distance from the position directly above, the zenith.
  • Tycho preferred observing the angular distance between the sun and Venus when the latter was visible in the daytime.
  • This angular distance metric can then be used to compute a similarity function bounded between 0 and 1, inclusive.
  • The latter dependence follows a reciprocity law, meaning that dislocations images become narrower inversely as the angular distance grows.
  • Longitude ( symbol ) measures the angular distance of an object eastward along the galactic equator from the galactic center.
  • He is also credited to have invented the Jacob's staff, an instrument to measure the angular distance between celestial objects.
  • The BC pair lies at an angular distance of 177 arc-seconds from Regulus A, making them visible in amateur telescopes.
  • The difference in the two micrometer readings so obtained is the apparent separation or angular distance between the two stars.
  • When both objects are in the same view, aligning them together allows the navigator to measure the angular distance between them.
  • This is then subtracted from 90?to obtain the angular distance from the position directly above to obtain the zenith distance.
  • This equation breaks down at the zenith where the angular distance between the observed pointing and the zenith, ? s is 0.
  • The Xbox 360 copy protection functions by requesting the DVD drive compute the angular distance between specific data sectors on the disc.
  • The position angle of the secondary with respect to the primary is measured, together with the angular distance between the two stars.
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